Have you ever launched a new website but something just seemed… off? Sometimes it just takes a tiny change to make a huge difference in your website experience. Try these professional website tips to take your website from blah to ahh!

Add a “cookie bar” to your page

People are creatures of comparison, so when we see something over and over, we expect to see it again. One feature that users see frequently on a website is the cookie bar, but what is it?

A cookie bar is a notification that informs your page visitors that they agree to their cookies being tracked on your website. This notification displays a link to a privacy policy or cookie policy page to better inform page visitors of how their data or information will be used. Additionally, there’s a button that lets the user confirm that they agree with the terms and they would like to continue browsing your website.

It’s a small, but responsible courtesy to add the cookie bar to your website (despite being overlooked by the average page visitor). But since it’s on every professional website we see lately, it can seem off when it’s not there. So try adding a cookie bar and expect to hear comments like, “Oooh, your website looks so professional.”

Get moving with motion effects

There’s nothing wrong with a static website that’s simple and informative. But you’d be surprised how a simple hover feature, motion effect or animation can elevate your page visitor’s browsing experience. A subtle animation can be a fun way to entice your page visitor to click and interact without being too aggressive.

Consider adding color-changing buttons that float on mouseover, or other dynamic features like moving icons, floating images and fading sliders. But do this tastefully and try not to go wild because your website isn’t a 90’s PowerPoint presentation.

Try using out-of-the box font

Accessibility and legibility are two major priorities when building a website. This primarily involves selecting an easy-to-read font family that agrees with the audience most likely to browse the website. But there are certain areas that we can dedicate to a more fun, dynamic reading experience, such as page titles and header text. These are great places to sprinkle in a bold, creative font face that carries your brand throughout the web browsing experience. Google Fonts has a ton of options that are free for personal and commercial use. But a creative agency can help you source a fun and inviting font that offers visual entertainment while also reinforcing your brand.

Try one or all of these tips and tell me about it! Connect with me on LinkedIn.